Low-Fee Psychodynamic Consultation Program for Adult and Child Clinicians
Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute (CPI) is offering a low-fee consultation program designed for adult and child psychotherapists who are seeing patients/clients in a variety of settings. Applicants must be independently licensed. We are offering consultation with Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute faculty clinicians up to once per week for one calendar year, at times to be arranged between the faculty member and the consultee.
In today’s mental health environment, psychodynamic approaches receive less attention and may seem impractical. However, it is our belief that no matter what the patient’s circumstances, a deeper understanding of human psychology is extremely helpful in listening to and understanding child, adolescent and patients, in being able to manage one’s own feelings about patients, and in making appropriate interventions. While we are not prescribing psychoanalytic psychotherapy as the correct approach for all patients, we are hoping that an opportunity to look at patients from a deeper perspective will become a part of each therapist’s repertory.
The consultant is reimbursed at a rate of $100 per hour. The minimum amount to be paid by the consultee is $25 per session. Below are recommended guidelines for the amounts to be paid by the consultee:
- For persons whose annual household income is $60K, or lower: $25/session
- For persons whose annual household income is between $60 and $80K: $40/session
- For persons whose annual household income is above $80K: $60/session
For persons whose annual household income is above $115K, you may not qualify for this program. These are only guidelines, and we recognize that there are extenuating circumstances. The fee will be determined through a brief conversation between the applicant and one of the persons administering this program, with the goal of making the consultation affordable.
A one year extension of this low-fee consultation grant may be available on a case by case basis. The maximum time that a consultee may receive this grant is 2 years. The low-fee consultation program is not available to persons who are receiving or have previously received consultation at a discounted rate through this program, through one of our psychotherapy training programs, or through the analytic training program.
Full participation in the activities of the Institute is available to any qualified person regardless of race, color, creed, age, gender, marital status, disability, national or ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.
If you are interested in taking advantage of this program, please fill out the application form by clicking below.
For further information, contact
Mary Kroeger VuykAdministrative Director(513) 961-8886
[email protected]